
16 May 2024

Useful tips

The Great Spring (Pro)Cleaning


There are several moments throughout the year when we feel the need to make some changes around us: in our minds, our spaces, the people around us, or perhaps even some beliefs, changing perspectives, or ways of viewing certain things.


We live in an era where there is a lot of talk and writing about self-improvement and ways to enhance our mental, physical, and spiritual health. The good thing is that such topics are now openly discussed, many subjects are no longer taboo, and a certain type of progress has already been made when it comes to self-care and lifestyle improvement. On the other hand, the fact is that the increasingly common problems we face in everyday communication are actually the result of being overwhelmed with information, people, and obligations, which often leads people to withdraw or feel like making radical changes.


The truth is probably somewhere in between. Radical changes by themselves are not good; they cause a significant amount of stress, and stepping out of our comfort zone can be more detrimental to our nervous system than beneficial. Therefore, it is important to take small steps and set goals along the way.


Changing Beliefs


This is a cliché that is often mentioned and, at first glance, very abstract; it seems much easier to suggest such a thing than to do it. Initially, the greatest confusion lies in what it actually means. We all believe that our beliefs are good; we live by them, judge other people and their actions based on them. For example, if you believe, even subconsciously, that there are no people in the world who want to be friends and share good and bad things with you, the likelihood is high that you won't have any. This applies to every aspect of life.


Write down on paper all the aspects of life that you would like to change at this moment. Everything you have, don't have, would like to possess, or don't like. In the end, choose 2-3 of the most important ones, or those for which it would be most significant if you resolved them at this moment, and start with them. This is called an action plan. Be okay with not being able to solve everything at once, and finally, press Save.


Spending Time in Nature


Modern humans have forgotten that they themselves are part of nature and that, as such, they need nature. Spring is a perfect reminder of this; it always reminds us that nature has the opportunity to renew itself every year, and humans are given that gift as well. This is not a story about setting goals from this spring. No, this is a story about modern humans who have given themselves the opportunity to return to nature. Pack a blanket, a basket of fruit, sunscreen, some refreshing drinks, and go on a picnic with your people. If you've ever wondered why the level of happiness we feel during the summer months and when we're at the seaside is higher, know that the reason is that we are more connected with nature. We walk barefoot, spend a lot of time outdoors, and are actually in our natural environment.


Writing a Diary


This can be very triggering for people who don't like structure or feel frustrated when they have to follow any kind of structure. The truth is that a diary doesn't have to have a strict form; it just has to be yours, and you should have the feeling of freedom to write even things you wouldn't say out loud. This isn't an era where the therapy of writing was discovered; it's been known to humans for ages and is very effective.


It might be difficult at first; keep in mind that no one will judge you, and your writings are not going to be graded. Write everything that comes to mind. After some time, it will probably become easier, and your stories will start to take on some form. Writing is one of the first cognitive skills we learn, it is identified with conversation and sharing information, so you will feel like you've had a conversation with a close friend. Moreover, if you wish, you will be able to track your progress and growth.


Finally, don't forget the space around you; the discipline of cleaning your space has the power to keep you balanced and create a sense of order and control.


Take small steps; know that this is how every great goal is achieved, and trust the process—this is the necessary path of growth.

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