
18 June 2024

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The Most Expensive Household Damages That Can Be Compensated By Insurance


Home insurance gives you protection when you need it most, covering the cost of damage caused by various events - from storm damage, caused by burst pipes, to damage caused by fire, burglary or vandalism. Insurance can cover a wide range of damages that can occur, and some can be extremely expensive and without insurance it will be a big blow to the household budget.


Many people think that property insurance is too expensive and that nothing bad will happen to them, but the truth is that of all the risks you can insure your home against, some are very likely to come true. Living in your own house or apartment, whether the property is inherited, bought with a loan or rented, also carries a number of obligations, from repairs and maintenance to renovations.


Property insurance is an investment in a secure future


Property insurance should be seen as an investment in a secure future for you and your family if you don't want major property damage to jeopardize your financial stability. Of the various damages that can befall your home, fire damage can be extremely costly, as a fire can destroy or severely damage the structure of the home and your personal property. Earthquakes can cause serious damage or destruction of the house.


If your home has suffered such damage that you cannot stay in it until the repairs are carried out, the insurance can cover the cost of alternative accommodation during the repairs.


Pipes in houses and apartments can burst. When there is a water spill and destroyed parquet and furniture, repair costs can reach several thousand euros. It can also happen that water leaks from your bathroom to your neighbor's apartment due to a burst pipe or a malfunction in the valves. While you may not have suffered much damage, you are responsible for repairing your neighbor's property. If you have contracted third-party liability insurance, it will also cover the cost of remediation of the neighbor's property, which you otherwise have to settle yourself.


Natural disasters are becoming more frequent and severe
Weather disasters are becoming more frequent and severe, and meteorologists and climatologists warn about them, and most people do not know what damage can be caused to them, for example, by a lightning strike. The indirect one can destroy electronic equipment, and the direct one can cause a fire on the installations that can easily spread to the house.


Apartment break-ins are most common in the summer months when people are mostly absent from their homes, and if you haven't been the target of burglars so far, it doesn't mean you'll never become. You can go on vacation calmly or in the best hope that thieves will bypass you this season as well. Loss or damage to property due to theft or vandalism can be significant, especially if valuable items such as electronics, jewelry, or artwork have been stolen. Valuable household items, such as artists, jewelry or other valuable equipment, are also specially contracted.


How to choose insurance coverage?

When choosing a property insurance package, it is important to take into account the type of property - apartment, house or apartment, and the risks to which it is exposed. It is important to take into account the agreed insured amount, because this is the maximum that the insurer will pay if you file a claim. The insurer can advise you on the level of insurance coverage required. You can calculate the approximate price of insurance in the UNIQA calculator, and if you arrange insurance online, you get a 10 percent discount.


It's important to note that coverage and insurance terms may vary depending on the insurer and the specific policies you choose. Therefore, it is always a good idea to carefully review and understand your insurance policy to ensure that you have adequate protection for the most costly potential damages.

Don't forget to check our property insurance "Home and happy" You can ask for an offer online or in any of our offices in the country.

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